For a few generations, talented undercover scientists and programmers have worked on one single project. Project: Evolution. They've tried to make a program that is far more capable and intelligent than us human beings. The project started even before people knew what an AI was. And now.... they have done it. They have made a being that is far more capable than it's maker. In short, they have created god. 

But every undercover project has it's own secrets. Some, that are essential to keep the project going, to keep people from panicking. But some, so dark, even the devil would be afraid. Some of the lead developers on the latest model went rogue because of these untold secrets. They were going to try to stop it. 

They going to destroy their own brainchild. But why? What are the secrets behind this 'Project: Evolution' ??? Why was it an Undercover project for years? And why some lead developers and scientists were trying to stop this? Are going to be able to stop it? Or even if they had the capability, the sheer audacity to try to jeopardize the next step of science, Would they still do it? Or would they change their mind?

To find out everything, stop reading this page and play the goddamn game.


Download 354 MB
Download 360 MB
Evolution-2.0-linux.tar.bz2 330 MB
Download 193 MB
Download 198 MB
Evolution-1.0-linux.tar.bz2 180 MB

Install instructions

download the file....

unzip it.

then go to the unzipped folder and start evolution.exe

Development log